
e107 Bootstrap CMS Open Source : news

  • e107 v2.3.3 Bootstrap CMS Released

    The wait is finally over! e107 v2.3.3 Bootstrap CMS is finally out. This marks the last release that will support PHP 5.6.
    This release supports all versions of PHP from 5.6 through to 8.2.



    • Add missing setMetaTitle() method to e_admin_response #5112
    • Change length of newsfeed_image field in db #5108
    • Add option to alt_auth plugin #5107
    • Improve system notifications handling in the admin area. #5106
    • Display current time when settings timezone in admin preferences. #5099
    • Add option to e_file::getRemoteFile() to prevent time out on larger files or slow connections. #5098
    • Allow developers to choose which fields to export in e107Export(). #5094
    • Render favicon in admin area the same way as on frontend #5062
    • Add option to email any critical error message to an admin #4986
    • Add shortcode for modified date #4978
    • Add FontAwsome 6 support #4969
    • Add support for PUT or JSON POST to e_file::initCurl() method #4941
    • Provide more options to resize the rich text editor. (bbarea, Tinymce) #4927
    • Allow plugins to provide their own routing for notifications. #4922
    • Allow plugins to use their own email templates when using e107::getEmail()->sendEmail(); #4919
    • Improved Database SQL Verify page use of space by using 3 columns. #4907
    • Admin-UI: Allow for entry of Primary ID in create/edit modes if needed. #4906
    • Enhance e107 to allow for third-party email address validation. #4900
    • Update plupload #4887
    • Add eventName to Featurebox like News #4841
    • Add dedicated Pages/Menus "delete" perms #4827
    • Allow plugins to create siteLinks in areas other than the main navigation. #4810
    • Exclude the currently viewed news item for the 'latest news' menu. #4786
    • Custom SEO title for News and Pages #4783
    • Add This Week, This Month and This Year to Admin-UI date filtering options. #4778
    • Allow developers to set the URL that users will be directed to after they log out #4777
    • Add support for images in plugin-generated sitemaps. #4760


    • Comments without ajax issue #5111
    • Cron Schedule might not trigger with some timezones set in the preferences. #5096
    • Admin-UI: Using the label 'True' or 'False' in a select (dropdown) displays incorrect labels. #5093
    • Plugin Builder - Generated customPage method contains an error. #5092
    • Errors showing up in error_log when running cron. #5091
    • Admin-UI: renderValue() of type boolean ignores custom true/false readParm string values when inline editing is not enabled. #5089
    • as found in default header is a broken link #5087
    • Array order not being retained by x-editable inline dropdown/checkbox list. #5083
    • PHP 8.1 - Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "USERNAME" in ***ehandlersmail.php on line 451 #5080
    • "Force user to update settings" breaks home page for logged in users on PHP 8 #5052
    • An Admin with only "Quick Add User" permission can see all users and access inline edit for all #5045
    • Force user to update settings causes fatal error im PHP 8.2 #5041
    • sendEmail() may render an 'info' message "Could not access file:" under some circumstances. #5020
    • Emptying browser cache adds "Empty Thumbnail Cache" to the system logs. #5017
    • Admin-UI: Setting readonly=true for a field containing an array value, posts 'Array' in the form results. #5016
    • e107 corrupts form-submitted array values when GET method is used. #5005
    • Canonical URL is not consistent when parked domains are in use. #4994
    • Fatal errors - userposts.php - IMODE is not defined #4966
    • Banner plugin - banner_campaign is saving only first campain #4959
    • $_GET contains 'configure' key on all pages of admin area. #4945
    • Flexpanel layout is not working #4940
    • Cron 'Last-Run' value in admin area is always empty #4933
    • National characters in title are not converted to sef url correctly. #4925
    • sendMail() not using latest PHPMailer methods. #4924
    • data-modal-submit attribute fails when an input tag is used instead of a button tag #4923
    • Anomoly with some plugins losing their entry from e_url_list after upgrading others. #4917
    • FAQs - PHP 8 error #4916
    • Bootstrap-notify won't display alerts in admin area #4915
    • Wrong HTML markup for date field in advanced search #4904
    • PHP 8 - Fatal error LAN_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD_NAME in comment's search #4890

    User Contributions

    • Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.4.3 to 7.4.4 in /e107_tests by @dependabot #4791
    • Bump guzzlehttp/guzzle from 7.4.4 to 7.4.5 in /e107_tests by @dependabot #4796
    • Some corrections by @yesszus #4788
    • 4844: File Inspector: Do not traverse above the base directory by @Deltik #4845
    • 4830: Sensible no delete log in admin_log_ui::maintenanceProcess() by @Deltik #4831
    • Add support for wrappers in contact menu by @Jimmi08 #4850
    • Fix for #4860 and correct fix for #3983 - correct second authorization by @Jimmi08 #4864
    • Login flow consistency: Do not use redirect in admin area login box by @Deltik #4865
    • sef-url for RSS news - category news #4868 by @Jimmi08 #4870
    • Add support for wrapper in custom menus by @Jimmi08 #4873
    • Bump twig/twig from 3.4.1 to 3.4.3 in /e107_tests by @dependabot #4877
    • Fix #4847 - mistypo in route by @Jimmi08 #4882
    • add wrapper support on fpw page #4883 by @Jimmi08 #4884
    • Fix for #4895 - wrong message chatbox plugin by @Jimmi08 #4896
    • 4897 class parameter for CB_AVATAR shortcode by @Jimmi08 #4898
    • Tests: MDEV-29446 workaround: Ignore COLLATE clause in SHOW CREATE TABLE by @Deltik #4913
    • Hotfix for tests failing after PHP 8.2 released by @Deltik #4921
    • missing national character from toAscii() by @Jimmi08 #4926
    • 4929: Fix type mismatch in usage of e107forum::getForumClassMembers() by @Deltik #4931
    • 4938: Workaround for PHP 8.2.0 segmentation fault / assertion error by @Deltik #4939
    • Reintroduce automated acceptance tests by @Deltik #4943
    • fix for ranks in top.php #4967 by @Jimmi08 #4975
    • Fix news category breadcrumbs by @RichardBarrell #4982
    • deprecated static::method() calls for PHP 8.2 by @Jimmi08 #4988
    • news: Fix category link in both breadcrumb and menu by @Deltik #4984
    • 4991: Fix improper array access in sc_signup_extended_user_fields by @Deltik #4993
    • Bump guzzlehttp/psr7 from 2.4.3 to 2.5.0 in /e107_tests by @dependabot #4995
    • partial fix #4517 - fix for settings of plugin.xml by @Jimmi08 #5029
    • Fix #5025: Type error when sending a PM without the attachment field by @Deltik #5027
    • Fix #5013 False Error if UEF type DBField has no records by @Jimmi08 #5014
    • fix #5031 for false error when deleting plugin DB field by @Jimmi08 #5032
    • Fix #4517 UEF settings in plugin.xml - fix for parms by @Jimmi08 #5033
    • Fix #5000 user profile UEF change added to event by @Jimmi08 #5036
    • fix for feed logo image #4866 by @Jimmi08 #5015
    • fix for type checkboxes and filtering #4474 by @Jimmi08 #5048
    • Missing preferences in bootstrap5 #4683 by @Jimmi08 #5058
    • db_verify::getIndex(): Support index_col_name optional parts by @Deltik #5055
    • Unify logic of e_user_model::checkAdminPerms() and getperms() by @Deltik #5070
    • install.php: PHP 8.2 exception handler signature compatibility by @Deltik #5073

    New Contributors

    • @RichardBarrell made their first contribution #4982

    Full Changelog:

  • e107 v2.3.2 Bootstrap CMS Released

    This release included a bunch of bug fixes and improvements. Be sure to check out the new Bootstrap5 theme skins by Bootswatch!

    What's Changed

    Full Changelog:

  • e107 v2.3.1 Bootstrap CMS Released

    e107 v2.3.1 is finally here, and with it a bunch of new features, improvements and bug fixes.

    • Support for PHP 5.6 through PHP 8.1 (#4554) – e107 v2 now adds PHP 8.0 and 8.1 support while maintaining support for PHP 5.6.

    • New Admin Theme Skins - Modern Light and Modern Dark. May now be selected during initial installation of e107.

    • Collapsible Navigation Panel - Option to reduce left-panel admin area navigation to icons only, for increased screen real-estate where it matters.

    • Database session handler performance improvement (#4575) – e107 v2.3.0 introduced a non-blocking session handler backed by the database; however, a missing index causes gradually slower performance the more rows there are in the session table. This release fixes that bug by adding the missing index through a database update (migration).

    • Thumbnail Generator rebuilt to use Intervention library.

    • WebP image support (#4270) – e107 can now serve WebP images to compatible browsers and convert existing images on-the-fly. Requires PHP 7.0+ with the GD WebP extension installed.

    • More reliable file uploads – A common complaint with e107 v2.3.0 was rejected file uploads. To fix this, e107 now recognizes files based on their MIME type.

    • Increased protection against cross-site scripting (XSS) – There is now improved layering of HTML tag rendering to reduce the likelihood of corrupting pages with bad HTML.

    • Increased protection against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) – Nonces have been added to some forms to prevent external sites from submitting them unbeknown to the authenticated user.

    • New theming features – Theme developers can now take advantage of Bootstrap 5 and customisable breadcrumbs.

    • SEO optimizations for Google, Facebook (Open Graph) and Twitter.

    • New "Hero" plugin for home page carousel management. Supports animated bullet points and buttons. (see home page for example)

    • News item Previous/Next navigation shortcode options.

    • jQuery updated to v3.6.0

    • FontAwesome updated to v5.14.0

      For a full list of changes, please go here.

      Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

      Thank you for continuing to use e107. Please feel free to tell us what you think about e107 in our Gitter chatroom!

    • e107 v2.2.1 Bootstrap CMS Released

      After the release of 2.2.0, we have been working on crushing some bugs that did have some impact on functionality. 
      We have therefore decided to release 2.2.1 sooner rather than later, and recommend everyone to update. 

      Please note that the 2.2.0 release was a major release with some important notes. Please refer to the previous post for more information on that release, including an overview of numerous great new features which were added! 

      New features:

      • Added new News shortcode to retrieve Extended User Fields (e.g. {NEWS_AUTHOR_EUF: field=biography})

      Fixes & Improvements:

      • Fixed a database check/update issue that occurred when the database name contains a hyphen (-) (#3800)
      • Fixed an issue with the Menu Manager preview not loading in some cases (#3815)
      • Fixed frontpage button link to Admin Area (#3775)
      • Fixed an issue with inserting a new custom page when using PHP 7.3 (#3812)
      • Added tablerender id to error pages (#3801)
      • Fixed an issue with (un)seralization (#2990)
      • Fixed comment author avatar not showing correctly in comment form (#3813)
      • Fixed issue in Download plugin with batch userclass options
      • Fixed issue in Forum plugin with forum mderator userclass recognition (#3814), with the Userlist shortcode links (#3809), and added placeholder option in shortcode
      • Several Forum template optimizations for Bootstrap 4 (#2969)
      • Several PHP 7.3 compatibility improvements

      For a full list of changes, please go here.

      Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

      Thank you for continuing to use e107. Please feel free to tell us what you think about e107 in our Gitter chatroom!

    • e107 v2.2.0 Bootstrap CMS Released

      We are very excited to announce the release of e107 v2.2.0!

      This major release contains numerous new fatures as well as a great bunch of bug fixes and additional improvements. We recommend everyone upgrade immediately! Additionaly there are some important notes that should be considered when updating to the latest version. Please read these carefully!

      Important notes:

      • The minimum PHP version as of 2.2.0 is now set to 5.6. Using PHP 7.1+ is recommended.
      • If you use any PHP version lower than 5.6, your website may break!
      • Bootstrap 4 Library has been updated to latest version: 4.3.1. See examples in the bootstrap4 theme
      • FontAwesome has been updated to the latest version 5.7.2. See examples in the _blank theme (theme.xml and theme.php)
      • db_Fetch() in e_LEGACY_MODE permanently removed. Old plugins should use e107::getDb->fetch('both'); if this is still required.
      • Changes to comments: Any reference to #comments-container (div ID) in the theme must be changed to .comments-container (div class) (#1944)

      New features:

      • GDPR features: added "Privacy Policy" and "Terms and conditions" preferences. Added and shortcodes. (#3175 and #3579).
      • Admin Login with email address is now functional
      • Chatbox plugin: new default templates added (#3630)
      • Constats SITENAME SITEDESCRIPTION can be overridden using Englishcustom.php or Englishglobal.php plugin LAN files.
      • Added more styling functionality to and (#3582) and {LOGIN_*} shortcodes (#3466)
      • Added event triggers for rate/like functionality: user_like_submitted & user_rate_submitted (#3552)
      • Added load() method for the e_admin addon. See _blank plugin for examples. (#3695)
      • New MySQL database export method integrated to increase performance when creating a backup
      • "Under the hood" preparations to clean-up existing code (improving code quality) and introduction of new (database) interfaces for better support of up-to-date technology and easier 'hookings' of other/external interfaces (e.g. databases)
      • For developers: automated tests added in e107-test/code> repository (to prevent bugs from being introduced, rather than having to fix them after they are an issue)
      • FontAwesome is now used by the NextPrev
      • New method added e107::getUserClass()->getUsersInClass
      • News e_related, added shortcode
      • Added afterPrefsSave() method in Admin-UI (#3799)

      Fixes & Improvements:

      • Several improvements to plugin installation and related addons (#3531, #3536, #3592)
      • Improvements to plugin identification when checking for updates (#3711)
      • Several fixes to the Private Messenger plugin (#1758, #3413)
      • Several fixes to the Banner plugin (#3141)
      • Several fixes to the FAQ plugin
      • Several fixes to the Forum plugin: not being able to move a forum post (#3619), forum moderators permissions (#3490), deleting of last post (#3490), forum pagination, newforumposts plugin (#3757), inline editing of forum name was changing SEF URL (#3798)
      • Several fixes to the Download plugin (#3201, #3189, #3199, #2486, #3787)
      • Fixed an issue where the verification of LAN pack would falsely return errors (#3632)
      • Fixes to 'type' => 'country' in the Admin-UI (#3644)
      • Enhancements to the 'search' functionality in Admin-UI across different fields
      • User Extended Field country correctly displayed in User Profile (#3646)
      • User Extended Fields 'read' permission is now properly checked (#1799)
      • Avatars now support 'crop' to allow for non-square images. Simple usage: {USER_AVATAR: w=150&h=150&crop=1&shape=circle} (#3721)
      • Fixed an issue with the Admin Area > Preferences page crashing on specific Windows server environments (#3625)
      • Fixed an issue with the SEF URL configuration when social network tracking queries were used (e.g. Facebook links) (#3546)
      • Several improvements to theme layout detection
      • Improved user_forum_post_report, user_forum_post_report and user_forum_topic_created_probationary event triggers (#3618)
      • Improved filetypes and filesize checks when uploading files (#3507, #3460)
      • Added /contact SEF URL (#3566)
      • Fixed an issue with navigation (site links) icons not resizing properly (#3712)
      • Fixed an issue with list() method in the the e_admin addon (#3695)
      • Fixed an issue with userclasses being reset when 'probationary' user was automatically promoted to 'normal' user (#3657)
      • Rewritten "password reset" functionality to support webmail software pre-loading links. Links expire in 10 minutes now. (#3443)
      • "Required fields" indicator now properly showing on signup page and usersettings (profile) (#3676)
      • Relative datestamp now properly distinguishes between past and future dates (#3605)
      • Improved backwards compatibility when using BBcodes and WYSIWYG editor
      • Fixed an issue with Admin Help text not displaying in correct language (#3485)
      • Several enhancements to handle deprecated mysql_*() methods and improved PDO usage
      • Several compatibility fixes with Bootstrap 4 (#2962, #2969, and others)
      • Several PHP 7 compatibility fixes (#3216, #3596, #3562 and others)
      • PHPMailer upgraded to 5.2.27
      • plupload upgraded to v2.3.6
      • And dozens more fixes and improvements

      For a full list of changes, please go here.

      Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

      Thank you for continuing to use e107. Please feel free to tell us what you think about e107 in our Gitter chatroom!

    • e107 v2.1.9 Bootstrap CMS Released

      We're happy to announce the release of e107 v2.1.9!

      This release contains some great improvements as well as bug fixes. We recommend everyone upgrade immediately. 

      New features

      • It is now possible to override the chosen editor pref (WYSIWYG), using the e107::getForm()->bbarea() method by changing the $options array, e.g. $options['wysiwyg'] = 'tinymce4' (#3330)
      • Added option define('X-FRAME-SAMEORIGIN', false); in e107_config to allow for external websites including an e107 website through an iframe (#3101)

      Fixes & improvements:

      • Fixed issue in update routine caused by an incorrect version number (#3302 #3311)
      • Added backwards compatibility fix to handle old data formatting better (#3305)
      • Fixed issue with multiple userclass selection in the Admin UI (#3249)
      • The CSS file ensuring backwards compatibility for non-boostrap or legacy themes (backcompat.css) is now correctly loaded
      • Fixed issue with LAN's not loading properly on contact.php page
      • Fixed issue with parsing the sign (#3307)
      • Fixed issue with 'To' textbox not showing in mail-out functionality (#3303)
      • Fixed issue with missing navigation text in Admin Area when using 'medium' width devices
      • Improved support for SVG icons (#1958)
      • Fixed several issues related to the displaying of comments (#2425 #2281 #2937)
      • Fixed issue so 'Items per page' option is now respected on custom pages (#3188)
      • Added default custom fields to Bootstrap 3 template (#3103)
      • Improved support for Cyrillic characters on registration and login (#2440)
      • Plugin Builder generated output improved with examples of custom filter and batch options.
      • Fixed an issue with the language packs not displaying in the Admin Area (#3059)
      • Added e_gsitemap addon to News and Download plugin (#2606)
      • Fixed an issue with error pages and redirection (#3179)
      • Added new event triggers and notifications for the Forum plugin: user_forum_topic_created_probationary, user_forum_topic_updated, user_forum_topic_moved, user_forum_topic_deleted, user_forum_topic_split, user_forum_post_created, user_forum_post_updated, user_forum_post_deleted, user_forum_post_report
      • Added BBcode template for Forum plugin (#3317)
      • New preferences in Forum plugin which allow to choose between BBcode or TinyMCE editor (#3318)
      • Fixed issues with Forum plugin URLs (#3171)
      • Fixed URL issue in Forum plugin when moving a forum topic (#3244)
      • Improved Forum parsing: forum titles are only shown using plain text (no HTML or BBcode) (#3245)
      • Fixed an issue in the forum plugin when marking a forum topic as 'read' (#3338)
      • Fixed issue in the featurebox plugin which caused debug information to show (#3290 #3074)
      • Fixed issue with incorrect 'update required' message showing for the featurebox plugin
      • Several PHP 7 compatibility fixes
      • And dozens more fixes and improvements

      For a full list of changes, please go here.

      Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

      Important Update

      Anyone experiencing core-prefs backward compatibility issues after this upgrade, please use this patch

      Thank you for continuing to use e107!

    • e107 v2.1.8 Bootstrap CMS Released

      We're happy to announce the release of e107 v2.1.8!

      This release contains some great improvements as well as bug fixes. We recommend everyone upgrade immediately. 

      New features

      • New functionalities for 'User ranks' (#2222)
      • New addon e_gsitemap for Sitemap generation. See forum plugin for an example.
      • Basic support for NGINX secure_link_md5 (#3075)
      • Basic support for GPDR related functionalities (#3175)
      • New addon e_output.php to capture the output of a page in a buffer (#3151)
      • Forum plugin: categories can be copied using the Admin-UI

      Fixes & improvements:

      • Improved check for server requirements during installation
      • Improvements to the loading and ordering of CSS files
      • Numerous fixes related to the 'tree view' in the Admin-UI (News, Downloads, Sitelinks, etc.)
      • PHP 7.x compatibility fixes
      • Forum plugin: fixes to the newforumposts plugin
      • Admin-UI: Searching for IP addresses (including wildcards *) works again
      • Admin-UI: Added "Is Empty" option to type=number when filter is true.
      • Admin-UI: $field 'filter' attribute now accepts 'future' and 'both', defaults to 'past' when set to true. ie. search future dates, past/future dates or past dates.
      • And dozens for other fixes and improvements

      For a full list of changes, please go here.

      Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

      Thank you for continuing to use e107!

    • Merry Xmas and a New Release v2.1.7

      We'd like to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a safe and joyful holiday season!.

      What better time is there to release some fixes and improvements for your favorite CMS than Xmas. So here's e107 v2.1.7

      New features

      • New admin style added “K-admin inspired”
      • Grid View for Admin interface added (#2794)
      • Option to convert image formats from png or gif to jpeg during import added
      • Pre-release language packs are now also visible in the language manager
      • News-List template now support special styling for the first item
      • Support added for multiple news templates (#2795)
      • Auto Carousel option added to news (#2809)
      • Added shortcode
      • Added NEWS_LAYOUT constant
      • Social login Yahoo added
      • Multisite navigation support (when using the ‘multisite’ plugin)

      Fixes & Improvements

      • HybridAuth upgraded to v2.9.6 and LinkedIn login fixed
      • Fixes for the installation routine on specific server configurations
      • Several fixes to the SEF URLs across all areas
      • Several fixes to the caching functionality (especially in ‘news’)
      • Fixed issue with plugin preferences not saving correctly when value is '0'
      • ‘Voux’ is now set as the default theme during installation
      • LAN fixes, improvements and clean up
      • Several fixes and improvements for backwards compatibility
      • Performance improvements (database, update checks, loading of Glyps)
      • PHP 7 compatibility improvements
      • Fixes to admin and user permissions
      • PHP notices and warnings clean up
      • And many many more bugfixes

      For a full list of changes, please go here.

      Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

      Thank you for continuing to use e107!

    • e107 v2.1.6 Bootstrap CMS Released

      We're happy to announce the release of e107 v2.1.6!

      This release contains some great improvements as well as bug fixes. We recommend everyone upgrade immediately. 


      • TinyMce updated to 4.5.6
      • PHP Mailer Upgrade to 5.2.23
      • Improvements to sending email procedure (SMTP)
      • Bug fixes to plugins: Chatbox, Downloads, FAQ, Featurebox, Forum
      • News: meta-description character limit option added. ie. {NEWS_DESCRIPTION: limit=x}
      • Downloads: now supports file in root directory (no longer 'parent > child" needed)
      • Several fixes to SEFL URLs, including automatic generation
      • Numerous LAN enhancements (thanks @yesszus)
      • Caching improvements
      • Improvements to meta-tags
      • Further fixes for PHP 7.1 compatibility
      • Fixes to the backup/export functionality
      • Javascript files are now moved to the footer
      • Improved logging to system logs (especially SQL queries)
      • Improved sessions handling (should prevent sudden logout)
      • And literally dozens of other bugfixes and optimizations

      New features:

      • Language-Packs can now be downloaded and installed without leaving the admin area
      • New MySQL method selectTree()
      • New constant e_HTTP_STATIC
      • New constant e_VERSION which returns the currently installed version of e107
      • Custom TinyMCE snippets can now be placed in the theme folder as custom templates: templates/tinymce/snippets
      • Ability to override site path (hash) by defining $E107_CONFIG['site_path'] in e107_config.php
      • Table data from e107 v1.x "Content Management" plugin can now be imported into "Pages/Menus"

      For a full list of changes, please go here.

      Please see our downloads section to download a copy.

      Thank you for continuing to use e107!

    | Publicatiedatum: Fri, 26 Jul 2024 17:44:55 -0700
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